The Boy at the Door

     I just finished reading The Boy at the Door by Alex Dahl.  This book was provided to me for review by Penguin Random House but the fact that I received this book for free has not influenced my review in any way. 

     The Boy at the Door is Alex Dahl's first novel, and for a first novel I think it is very good.  I was drawn in from the beginning by the mysterious little boy and wanted to keep reading so I could find out where he came from and how he was related to Cecilia.  I do think that their connection is fairly easy to guess but the way the author gets us there is suspenseful and full of twists and turns.  Some of the things that happen in the book seem far fetched at first but the author connects all the dots by the end.
     I liked how the characters in the novel are not always what they seem at the onset.  Anni is not just a scruffy heroin addict, Cecilia isn't entirely (though she is mostly) a conniving, selfish bitch, Moffa is not who you expect they'll be.  I found it most surprising that Dahl was able to make me feel sympathetic for Cecilia in the end, even though she's mostly awful.
     While the main question, who is the boy at the door?, is fairly clear from the beginning there are still plenty of surprises in this book.  The writing is good, and it definitely kept my interest.  I think it would make a great vacation read, which is great because it's due out on July 24th, so just in time for you to pick up before you head to the beach!
     Since I've been in a bad book rut lately I'm happy to have finally gotten one that was entertaining.  Hopefully The Ruin by Dervla McTiernan will be decent too.  I'm about to start it today, so be sure to check back soon for that review.


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