The Haunted Horror of Haverfordwest
It’s the day after Thanksgiving and I spent my day in a turkey induced food hangover reading Haunted Horror of Haverfordwest by G.L. Davies. The book claims to be an interview describing the experience of two people who used to reside in a haunted house. The author also claims to have lived in said house and it was his experience (having been previously published) that drew the couple to him in hopes of getting their story told. Both accounts are included in this book. If you decide to read it I recommend reading the author’s first because it gets referenced a lot in the interview with the couple.
I thought the framing of this book as a true story and the interview format was interesting. While I can’t say that I believe it, it certainly made the tone of the interview sections of the book more urgent and menacing. They kept my attention and I felt the building of suspense was good.
There were a couple of things that I didn’t like. Some of the introductions to each section can be a little lengthy. I found myself skimming through the majority of those. During the interview sections later occurances are constantly being alluded to and it feels like the reader is constantly being told, “Well if you think that’s creepy wait till you get a load of what happens next!” I felt like I was being sold to every time they said something along those lines.
I’d say this book is a quick, creepy read and I’d recommend it to people who enjoy the horror genre. I think some may find the interview format to be difficult to get into and it did feel more like a manuscript, something unfinished at times. A novel format might appeal to a wider audience and make for a more submersive read.
I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review, the fact that I was provided this copy in no way reflects on my opinions about the book. Haunted Horror of Haverfordwest will be available for purchase on November 30th.
I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review, the fact that I was provided this copy in no way reflects on my opinions about the book. Haunted Horror of Haverfordwest will be available for purchase on November 30th.
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