Mr. Field is Not Okay

     This week I read Ok, Mr. Field by Katharien Kilalea.  I was provided a copy of this book to read by Penguin Random House.  This does not effect my review in any way, as always my thoughts on this book are my own and not influenced by the publisher.
      Ok, Mr. Field is about a concert pianist who gets injured in a car accident and is unable to continue to play the piano.  After the accident Mr. Field purchases a house by the sea and then proceeds to do absolutely nothing.  For the entirety of this book Mr. Field wanders around his house, watches some construction that is taking place next door, and goes for drives.  He does creepily stalk the prior owner of his house but it's the most uneventful stalking ever written because all he does is stand around outside her window.  I kept expecting something, anything to happen but nothing does.  Since there's no conflict, there's also no resolution and I walked away from this book feeling like I had just wasted my time.  Luckily it was pretty short so there wasn't a lot of time involved.
      Some of the author's descriptions and prose are truly beautiful.  She certainly has a way with words, but all the beautiful phrasing in the world can't make up for a book in which nothing occurs.  Not that there weren't opportunities for conflict (Mr. Field's wife leaves him, he stalks his home's former owner) but the author doesn't take the opportunity to use them.  The most exciting thing that happens in the novel happens near the end when Mr. Field chases his dog around the house because it chewed up a notebook.  *snore*
      If you're looking for something to help put you to sleep Okay, Mr. Field is going to be available on shelves July 17th.  I recommend looking elsewhere for something to take with you on vacation.  Mr. Field is not okay, he's suffering from terminal boredom. 


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