Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein
Can I just say that fall is my favorite season? There's just something about falling temperatures, the crisp smell in the air, and the Halloween decorations that's just my right up my alley. I've always been a fan of suspense, and horror so whenever this time of year rolls around I'm always looking for something nice and creepy to read. Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein really fit the bill. I was provided a copy of this book for the purpose of reviewing it but, as always, this has no bearing on my opinions.
Fans of Shelley's original monster, like me, will be interested to see him reappear in different ways within each of the five short stories included in this collection. My two favorites involved a reanimation cruise and a mystery involving a grave robber. Each story tells a tale about reanimation and being an outsider in an increasingly more modern setting so you get to follow the monster through time. Even though Frankenstein is a tale that is often re-imagined I enjoyed reading a few new takes on the tale.
As with any short story collection some of these stories were better than others but I think that most of them are worth a read. While none of them are particularly scary, all of the stories had a gloomy, sombre tone much like the original and they really are great to sit down with on an October night. Creatures will be available on October 16th and if you're looking to get into the Halloween spirit with a quick but interesting read I recommend it.
Fans of Shelley's original monster, like me, will be interested to see him reappear in different ways within each of the five short stories included in this collection. My two favorites involved a reanimation cruise and a mystery involving a grave robber. Each story tells a tale about reanimation and being an outsider in an increasingly more modern setting so you get to follow the monster through time. Even though Frankenstein is a tale that is often re-imagined I enjoyed reading a few new takes on the tale.
As with any short story collection some of these stories were better than others but I think that most of them are worth a read. While none of them are particularly scary, all of the stories had a gloomy, sombre tone much like the original and they really are great to sit down with on an October night. Creatures will be available on October 16th and if you're looking to get into the Halloween spirit with a quick but interesting read I recommend it.
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