Lies: An Exciting Vacation Read!

My husband and I went out of town over Labor Day weekend for an out of state wedding and I decided to bring Lies By T. M. Logan along with me because it seemed like it'd be an easy car read. I was not dissappointed! Let me start by saying that Lies was provided to me for reviewing purposes by Macmillan Publishers. As you all know by now this does not affect my review in any way, all opinions I'm providing are my own. I am grateful for the opportunity to review books but I don't let that influence my reading in any way.
In Lies main character Joe Lynch's seemingly happy life is thrown upside down when he sees his wife's car entering a hotel parking garage and decides to stop and say hi. He discovers her having an argument with a friend's husband. What follows is a riveting account of the next week of his life that includes a missing person, deception, and Joe's attempts to save his family and the life they've built. It was a pretty quick read, and I couldn't put it down. I finished the book in two days.
I will say that the promised twist you won't see coming wasn't quite as hard to guess as I would have liked. I had half of it figured out from the beginning. I'm getting pretty used to anticlimactic plots twists in thrillers though. Every one of them promises an ending you won't see coming and it's been a while since I've found that to be the case. I found the quality of the writing and the fast pace of the narrative in this one make up for the lack of shock value in the ending.
I think this book is worth a read, it's great for a weekend when you just want to curl up on the couch with something entertaining but that doesn't require a whole lot of thought. Books like these are like literary junk food and I tend to enjoy them like a bag of chips, eagerly and in one sitting. The best thing about literary junk food is that you don't have the calorie guilt afterwards!
Lies hits the book shelves today, and while I'm not saying, "Run out and buy it right now, it's the best thing you'll ever read!" I am definitely saying, "If you have a lazy weekend coming up and you're looking for something to lounge on the couch and read, this is a good option."
This month book club is reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. We just finished reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, I should have that review up next week. I've been provided a few new advanced reader copies to review. The first one up is Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein,
an anthology of short stories that all have something to do with our
favorite reanimated man, Frankenstein's monster. I'm pretty excited to
read this one. I've always loved Frankenstein by Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley. If you've never read it you should do yourself a
favor and check it out. We're coming up on Halloween so now's the
perfect time.
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