
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Haunted Horror of Haverfordwest

     It’s the day after Thanksgiving and I spent my day in a turkey induced food hangover reading Haunted Horror of Haverfordwest by G.L. Davies.  The book claims to be an interview describing the experience of two people who used to reside in a haunted house. The author also claims to have lived in said house and it was his experience (having been previously published) that drew the couple to him in hopes of getting their story told. Both accounts are included in this book. If you decide to read it I recommend reading the author’s first because it gets referenced a lot in the interview with the couple.       I thought the framing of this book as a true story and the interview format was interesting. While I can’t say that I believe it, it certainly made the tone of the interview sections of the book more urgent and menacing. They kept my attention and I felt the building of suspense was good.       There were a couple...

The Alehouse at the End of the World

This week I finished reading The Alehouse at the End of the World by Stevan Allred.  I was provided a copy of the book for review purposes but, as always, this in no way influenced my reading and all opinions in this review are my own.  I thought this was an interesting take on the Shakespearean comedy. Readers who are unfamiliar with the difference between a Shakespearean comedy and a modern comedy should know that this book is not going to be funny in the way you’re looking for. Shakespearean comedies pertain more to struggling lovers, love triangles, deception, and reunification. They are light hearted but not necessarily funny.  This book has all of the above in spades and I found it highly entertaining. I also enjoyed the way the author portrayed the afterlife. I’m not going to discuss details so as not to spoil anything but I haven’t seen life after death quite like this before. I’m always interested in new takes on old tropes, there are so many books an...