Suspense! Ruth Ware Mystery Novels

This month's read for book club was In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. Ware is a mystery/suspense writer and she's also known for the novel The Woman in Cabin 10, and The Lying Game . I was looking forward to this one. I tend to like suspense novels and I needed something fun and easy to read since my brain is mush from lack of sleep. My adorable daughter seems to have gotten her days and nights confused recently. I had also read some reviews that described this book as scary, something that needs to be read with the light on. I do love a scary book. This proved to be exactly what I needed and I finished it so quickly that I immediately checked out The Lying Game from the library. I cannot stress enough what a wonderful resource your local library can be. I've made a resolution this year to not buy as many books as I typically do. My goal is to only purchase books that I know I'm going to read multiple times, or are written by ...